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  • Citronella Essential Oil - Cymbopogon nardus
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dis natuurlik.

Citronella Essential Oil

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R 75.00
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Citronella essential oil, (Cymbopogon nardus) is imported from Java, the oil is made by steam distilling the leaves which produces a thin, clear - pale yellow, pure essential oil, that smells citrusy fresh & fruity, bottled locally in South Africa.

Citronella essential oil works well in aromatherapy blends with other essential oils like Clary Sage, Eucalyptus, Mandarin & Tea Tree, this versatile oil is so widely associated with insect repellent products, that it is often ignored for its other beneficial uses.

This oil has 11 incredible health benefits some of which aren't readily known, read the rest of this essential oil profile below for a comprehensive look at this versatile oil and its uses.

Use caution when using this oil, all essential oils should be diluted before using topically.

Available in the following sizes: 20ml, 50ml, 100ml, 500ml, 1L, 5L, 20L, 25L

Packaged in either Glass or HDPE containers, you can expect a shelf life of 4 years.*

This Citronella essential oil is part of the dis natuurlik. Essential Oil Collection

Citronella Leaf - Citronella Essential Oil

11 Benefits of Citronella Essential Oil:

  • This essential oil Inhibits the growth of fungus and kills intestinal worms.
  • Can ease the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress, its bright and uplifting scent can often act as a home remedy to lift you up when you’re feeling low.
  • Relieves muscle aches and pains, the oil is an effective anti-inflammatory and can help to reduce pain associated with arthritis.
  • When applied topically, it helps to stimulate blood circulation and can increase sweating, which is helpful in getting rid of toxins.
  • Citronella essential oil is known for its bug repelling properties, it effectively keeps most pests like mosquitoes at bay for a few hours after being applied, it does this by masking the scent of carbon dioxide and lactic acid which your body naturally releases.
  • This oil can be used in the treatment of urinary infections, it acts as a diuretic, helping to increase urine production, and to reduce fluid retention.
  • Expel worms and other parasites from the intestines.
  • Potent antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties, help to slow or prevent the growth or spread of harmful airborne bacteria.
  • Citronella oil helps to increase metabolic rate and activity in the nervous system.
  • The strong, fresh scent of this oil is ideal for masking unwanted environmental and body odours, which makes it a perfect addition to natural deodorants and other natural fragrance products, it is also considered safe to be used on your skin, however, it should be diluted properly before using on your skin.
  • Citronella can balance the oil production by moderating sebum secretion in the scalp glands, making it suitable for use with dry or oily hair, it also effectively removes the residual oil and dirt that your hair holds onto, revealing shiny hair with a noticeable bounce and volume.

 Citronella essential oil in a white bowl with a citronella leaf

4 Lesser-Known Citronella Essential Oil Uses:

  • Diffuse a few drops of the essential oil to help you rid the air of mosquitoes while uplifting your mood and reducing fatigue.
  • Dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil such as organic jojoba oil, or organic sweet almond oil and use it in a moisture-boosting scalp massage oil, helping to stop dandruff and nourish your scalp and hair.
  • Use it in your facial care regimen by adding one drop of this essential oil to your face cream, or lotion, or even your toner, do not be tempted to add more oil, it could cause skin sensitisation and do more harm than good, instead rather be consistent and apply your skincare products regularly.
  • In body lotion products, add no more than 4-5 drops of this oil for every 5ml of body lotion or carrier oil, apply liberally to your skin, leaving it to fully absorb and nourish your skin.

Wood Essential Oil Diffuser - Citronella Essential Oil

Citronella Essential Oil Usage Instructions:

  • Diffusion: Use five to six drops in a diffuser of your choice, it can also be used in a nebuliser and in an oil burner or in warm bathwater.
  • Topical use: Apply this oil to your skin by mixing no more than 4-5 drops of this oil for every 5ml of body lotion or carrier oil. (Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil to minimise any skin sensitivity.)
  • Essential oil perfume: Add 80 drops of carrier oil to an amber bottle (50ml+), With a dropper, add in 10 drops of essential oils that contain base notes, followed by 5 drops of headnotes, and 5 drops of heart notes, seal the bottle and shake well, label and store in a cool dark place.

Citronella Leaves - Citronella Essential Oil

Citronella Essential Oil Properties:


Pure Citronella Essential Oil

Botanical name:

Cymbopogon nardus

Botanical family:


Quality grade:

Therapeutic Grade

Main Usage:

Aromatherapy & Natural perfumery

Main chemical constituents:

Citronellal, Geraniol, (-)-Citronellol, (-)-Limonene, (E)-Methyl Isoeugenol, Champhene, Citronellyl acetate

Country of origin & Cultivation method:

Organically grown in Java

Extraction method & Plant part:

Steam distillation of the leaves

Perfumery notes & fragrance profile / aromas:

Top note, Sweet lemony fresh scent, with a slight woody undertone which emerges as the scent gradually fades.

Blends well with:

Bergamot, Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Eucalyptus, French Lavender, Geranium, Indian Sandalwood, Lemon, Lime, Mandarin, Peppermint, Pine Needle, Rosemary, Sweet Orange, Tea Tree

Safety & Warnings:

  • A skin test is recommended prior to use.
  • Dilute with a suitable carrier oil before using topically to lower the risk of skin sensitisation and or irritation.
  • Skin sensitivity in rare cases.
  • Do not use near broken skin or internally
  • Do not ingest
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Pregnant, nursing or under a doctors care? Consult your Healthcare Physician for the correct application of this product.
  • Avoid contact with your eyes, inner ears and sensitive areas.

Citronella Leaf isolated

Citronella Essential Oil Product Specifications & Options:

Quality Grade:

Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil (A-Grade)

Available in the following sizes:

20ml, 50ml, 100ml, 500ml, 1L, 5L, 20L, 25L

Wholesale Citronella Essential Oil:

Available in various 20ml wholesale pack sizes, suitable for Resellers:

5 Units, 25 Units and 50 units+

Contact us for more information and pricing.

Bulk Citronella Essential Oil:

Available in various bulk sizes, suitable for Manufacturers:

50ml, 100ml, 500ml, 1L, 5L, 20L & 25L 

Contact us for more information and pricing.

Packaging types:

Glass dropper bottle for (20ml, 50ml, 100ml)

Glass Bottle for (500ml)

Plastic HDPE jerry can for (1L, 5L, 20L, 25L)

Shelf Life:

Up to 4 years shelf life, if proper storage instructions are followed.

Please refer to the packaging labels for expiry dates.

Storage Instructions:

* Pure Essential oils like this Citronella essential oil, should be kept in a cool (below 22°C) dark place (no sunlight) to maintain freshness & to obtain maximum shelf life.