Essential Oil Health & Safety Information

All of the dis natuurlik. Collection of Essential Oils are Pure & Undiluted, Highly Concentrated and Natural. They are suited for therapeutic purposes and not for ingestion, only used topically and in aromatherapy applications.

Essential Oils that are ingested can cause severe damage internally and should only be administered by a health care professional who is familiar with essential oil properties and their uses.

Health & Safety Considerations:

  • The term ‘natural’ does not guarantee safety, read and follow instructions carefully.
  • Unless otherwise stated, never use essential oils on your skin without diluting the Essential Oils with carrier oil. A skin test is recommended prior to use. Place a small amount of the blended oil on the inside of your elbow, cover with a bandage and check in 24 hours. If you experience any soreness, redness or irritation do not use the blend.
  • Consulting an Aromatherapist or dis natuurlik. to obtain assistance to determine what Essential Oils you should use is recommended.
  • If an essential oil or essential oil blend gets into your eyes, flush the eyes immediately with clean water or cold milk. Seek medical attention if the stinging and/or irritation continues.
  • If allergic to certain foods, do not use essential oils or carrier oils that come from those foods.
  • Do not use essential oils if pregnant, nursing, diabetic if noted on the essential oil page or blend page. Consult your physician and other reference guides for complete information.
  • Essential oils do not necessarily have the same healing properties of the plant it comes from. Herbal products sometimes contain different chemical constituents than the essential oil derived from the same plant. Therapeutic results may be experienced when using an herbal product from that of a blended essential oil.
  • The following essential oils should be avoided during pregnancy: Basil, Marjoram, Cedarwood, Myrrh, Clary Sage, Rose, Fennel, Rosemary, Jasmine, Lavender, and Thyme.
  • Use a variety of essential oils and make sure you take breaks from the essential oils you use often. This is to avoid sensitisation and irritation. The norm would be to use a blend for 4 days, take a minimum of 4 days off and use a different blend which provides the same relief.
  • Customers may purchase products from dis natuurlik. only with the clear understanding that all products must be used at their own discretion.

Oil Safety Disclaimer