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dis natuurlik.

Crude Avocado Oil

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R 69.90
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R 69.90
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Crude Avocado Oil (Persea gratissima) is sustainable and good for the environment as it is made from the culled or cosmetically blemished fruit waste that would usually be lost unless this commodity is made from it.

That being said even though it is made from a by-product, the quality of our crude avocado oil is of fine quality, We personally prefer crude avocado oil over its refined counterpart due to the crude avocado oil retaining more of its health benefiting properties.

This versatile carrier oil is cold-pressed from the seed & fruit pulp of the Avocado tree, the oil absorbs slowly and leaves a waxy layer on the skin which acts as a protective layer, Crude Avocado Carrier Oil has a natural SPF of 15 which helps protect your skin from the damaging UVA & UVB rays of the sun.

High in Vitamins A, B1, B2, D, E, and Beta carotene, this oil is nutrient-dense and full of good fats which promote better functioning of the entire cardiovascular system by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing your chances of getting a heart attack.

Did you know?

Most avocado oils are collected with solvent extraction which is not a healthy option for you and your skin, that is why we went for the safe & healthy option cold-pressed all the way.

11 Health Benefits of Crude Avocado Oil:

  • Crude Avocado oil retains most of its health benefiting properties as opposed to refined oil.
  • Rich in Linoleic & Oleic Acid which is a very healthy fat
  • Reduces cholesterol and improves heart health & benefiting the whole cardiovascular system
  • High in Lutein, an antioxidant which has numerous benefits for eyes
  • Increases nutrient uptake within the body by increasing the body’s nutrient absorption rate
  • Acts as a natural sunblock with an SPF of 15
  • Crude Avocado oil has a high proportion of mono-saturated fats which provides the protective barrier waxy layer on your skin, locking in moisture & nourishing deeply.
  • High nutrient levels nourish & soothe dull, dry & tired skin when used topically.
  • High in the tocopherol (Vitamin E) which is a natural preservative, keeps the oil from going rancid quickly and gives the oil superior shelf life of 4 years.
  • Vitamin A helps to prevent dry skin and vitamin E (Tocopherol) and vitamin D is effective against skin wrinkling.
  • Due to the abundance of unsaturated fatty acids in the oil, its fibrous proteins (about 4%) act as a natural skin moisturizer. Moisture is necessary to make the skin look soft and young.
  • Part of the dis natuurlik. Natural Ingredients Collection


Crude Avocado Oil  (Carrier Oil)

Botanical Name:

Persea gratissima


Slow absorption rate, may feel sticky or waxy before the oil warms to your body temperature, once absorbed it leaves a slightly oily residue on your skin.

Country of origin:


Collection Method:

Cold-pressed from the seed and or fruit pulp

Fragrance Profile:

Very little scent or odourless


Green but varies to brown


Light to medium density


  • Do not use near broken skin or internally
  • Skin sensitivity in rare cases.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor's care? Consult your Healthcare Physician for the correct application of this product.
  • Avoid contact with your eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.
  • Oil Safety Disclaimer

Crude Avocado Oil Uses:

  • Crude Avocado Oil is good for tissue and massage creams, muscle oils, and other products where lubrication and penetration are essential, as it is one of the most penetrating oils available for cosmetics and soaps. It forms finer emulsions because it reduces surface tension. It is used in soaps to provide improved lathering, and it forms smoother creams.

Did you know?

Crude Avocado Oil contains a sterol called phytosterol which has the same penetrating abilities as lanolin.

Cold-pressed avocado oil has chemical properties similar to olive oil. At least 60% of the fatty acids are monounsaturated, and approximately 10% are polyunsaturated. In addition, cold-pressed crude avocado carrier oil contains relatively high levels of pigments (chlorophylls and carotenoids) which act as antioxidants.

Crude Avocado Oil Specifications:

Available in the following sizes:

100ml, 500ml, 1L, 5L

Packaging types:

Glass dropper bottle for (100ml)

Glass Bottle for (500ml)

Plastic HDPE jerry can for (1L, 5L,)

Shelf Life:

Up to 4 years shelf life, if proper storage instructions are followed.

Please refer to the packaging labels for expiry dates.

Storage Instructions:

Cold-pressed carrier oils like this Crude Avocado Oil should be kept in a cool (below 18°C) dark place (no sunlight) to maintain freshness & to obtain maximum shelf life.

Cold-pressed carrier oils can also be refrigerated but should be used at room temperature.