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dis natuurlik.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

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R 60.00
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R 60.00
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Eucalyptus essential oil, (Eucalyptus Smithii) is imported from Australia, where the oil is made by steam distilling the leaves which produce a Pure essential oil, that smells fresh and clean with a minty, woody, citrusy, camphorous top-middle note, bottled locally in South Africa.

Eucalyptus essential oil works well in aromatherapy blends with other essential oils like Peppermint, French Lavender & Citrusy oils.

Eucalyptus smithii is the mildest of all the Eucalyptus oils and is therefore suitable for use with children and the elderly.

This oil also has 8 health benefits, read the rest of this essential oil profile below for a comprehensive look at this amazing oil and its uses.

Use caution when using this oil, all essential oils should be diluted before using topically.

Available in the following sizes: 20ml, 50ml, 100ml, 500ml, 1L, 5L, 20L, 25L

Packaged in either Glass or HDPE containers, you can expect a shelf life of 5 years.*

This Eucalyptus essential oil is part of the dis natuurlik. Essential Oil Collection

Eucalyptus smithii leaf

8 Benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil:

  • Helps to treat the symptoms of colds and the flu by working as a decongestant and cough suppressant, it helps to loosen the mucus & phlegm that can form in your airways.
  • Eucalyptus essential oil is an effective alternative to DEET, it is widely used to repel insects.
  • Treat wounds and prevent infection, it is effectively used on the skin to fight inflammation and promote healing.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties of eucalyptus can ease symptoms of herpes. Applying eucalyptus oil to a cold sore may reduce pain and speed up the healing process considerably.
  • Powerful antibacterial properties found within eucalyptus oil can be used to fight the germs that cause bad breath, it also helps to prevent plaque buildup and tooth decay
  • Suffering from painful conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, this oil has been found to ease joint pain and reduce the pain and inflammation associated with these conditions.
  • Improves many respiratory conditions because it helps to stimulate your immune system, provide antioxidant protection and improve your respiratory circulation.
  • Invigorating properties that can boost mental clarity and promote relaxation of tense facial muscles, which is helpful when you are suffering from a headache caused by stress or exhaustion.

 Essential Oil Diffuser - Eucalyptus Essential Oil

6 Easy Eucalyptus Essential Oil Uses:

  • Disinfect Your Home: Add 20 drops of eucalyptus oil to a spray bottle filled with water and use it to clean the surfaces of your home or diffuse 5 drops at home to kill germs.
  • Improve Seasonal Allergies: Diffuse 5 drops of eucalyptus at home or work, or apply 2–3 drops topically to your temples and chest.
  • Clear Sinuses: Pour a cup of boiling water into a bowl and add 1–2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil to it. Then place a towel over your head and inhale the scent deeply for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Alleviate Sore Throat: Apply 2–3 drops of eucalyptus oil to your chest and throat, or diffuse 5 drops at home or work.
  • Relieve Muscle Pain or Soreness: Apply 2–3 drops of eucalyptus topically to the area of concern. To cover a larger surface area, dilute eucalyptus oil with half a teaspoon of carrier oil.
  • Fight Bad Breath and Cavities: Use eucalyptus oil as a natural mouthwash by adding 1–2 drops to water, gargling and then spitting it out. Keep in mind, eucalyptus should not be swallowed.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil Usage Instructions:

  • Diffusion: Use five to six drops in a diffuser/ oil burner of your choice.
  • Topical use: Apply this oil to your skin by mixing no more than 4-5 drops of this oil for every 5ml of body lotion or carrier oil. (Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil to minimise any skin sensitivity.)
  • Essential oil perfume: Add 80 drops of carrier oil to an amber bottle (50ml+), With a dropper, add in 10 drops of essential oils that contain base notes, followed by 5 drops of headnotes, and 5 drops of heart notes, seal the bottle and shake well, label and store in a cool dark place.

Eucalyptus smithii leaf isolated

Eucalyptus Essential Oil Properties:


Pure Eucalyptus Smithii Essential Oil

Botanical name:

Eucalyptus Smithii

Botanical family:


Quality grade:

Therapeutic Grade

Main Usage:

Aromatherapy & Natural perfumery

Main chemical constituents:

Eucalyptol, a-pinene, b-pinene, limonene, 1,8-cineole, alpha terpineol

Country of origin & Cultivation method:

Wild harvested in Australia

Extraction method & Plant part:

Steam distillation of the leaves

Perfumery notes & fragrance profile / aromas:

Top note, Woody, Camphor, Fresh

Blends well with:

Bay Laurel, Bergamot, Black Pepper, Cajeput, Clary SageCedarwood, Cypress, Frankincense, French Lavender, Geranium, German Chamomile, Ginger, Juniper Berry, Lemon, Lemongrass, Marjoram, Peppermint, Petitgrain, Pine needle, Ruby Grapefruit, Roman Chamomile, Rosemary, Spearmint, Tea Tree, Thyme

Safety & Warnings:

  • A skin test is recommended prior to use.
  • Dilute with a suitable carrier oil before using topically to lower the risk of skin sensitisation and or irritation.
  • Skin sensitivity in rare cases.
  • Do not use near broken skin or internally
  • Do not ingest, If swallowed, this oil can cause seizures.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Pregnant, nursing or under a doctors care? Consult your Healthcare Physician for the correct application of this product.
  • Avoid contact with your eyes, inner ears and sensitive areas.

Eucalyptus smithii seeded leaves

Eucalyptus Essential Oil Product Specifications & Options:

Quality Grade:

Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil (A-Grade)

Available in the following sizes:

20ml, 50ml, 100ml, 500ml, 1L, 5L, 20L, 25L

Wholesale Eucalyptus Essential Oil:

Available in various 20ml wholesale pack sizes, suitable for Resellers:

5 Units, 25 Units and 50 units+

Contact us for more information and pricing.

Bulk Eucalyptus Essential Oil:

Available in various bulk sizes, suitable for Manufacturers:

50ml, 100ml, 500ml, 1L, 5L, 20L & 25L 

Contact us for more information and pricing.

Packaging types:

Glass dropper bottle for (20ml, 50ml, 100ml)

Glass Bottle for (500ml)

Plastic HDPE jerry can for (1L, 5L, 20L, 25L)

Shelf Life:

Up to 5 years shelf life, if proper storage instructions are followed.

Please refer to the packaging labels for expiry dates.

Storage Instructions:

* Pure Essential oils like this Eucalyptus essential oil should be kept in a cool (below 22°C) dark place (no sunlight) to maintain freshness & to obtain maximum shelf life.